Taking a trip to Scotland doesn't mean leaving your comforts at home. Discover Scotland's beautiful contemporary holiday homes, designed to delight.
There's a real shift in the world of holiday rentals, creating a new offering in contemporary holiday accommodation across Scotland.
Scotland has a range of stunning contemporary holiday homes, each with their own style to suit your taste.
With show-stopping designs exemplifying the epitome of style, Scottish contemporary architecture demonstrates innovation and imagination.
Thanks to the development and enhancements of building materials, architects can push the boundaries of standard design to new levels, creating jaw-dropping designs that defy gravity and tradition alike.
Contemporary design draws upon influences from both the past and the present, including the Modernist movement, whose clean lines and minimalist aesthetics are renowned.
However, contemporary design can also include fluidity, curves, and improbable proportions.
The beauty of contemporary design is that it doesn't need to adjust the exterior of a building.
Scotland has a long history, and its' architecture has lasted throughout turbulent times and remains standing proudly.
In design senses, this often means that contemporary designs have to be sensitive to the local area, and so can only be reflected in the interior of the property.
As such, Scotland is leading with strong contemporary interior design, in addition to modern interior design.
Guests can enjoy modern minimalism, but with the latest in contemporary design you'll also see the use of strong colour accents, a combination of elements, such as wood and metal, and strong curvy lines.
The team here at Adore Scotland are delighted to present a number of modern and contemporary holiday homes for your next break to Scotland.
Check out our latest additions, with award-winning architect-designed Cabins in the City, in Edinburgh and The Secret Walled Garden in North Berwick.
"The team here at Adore Scotland are delighted to present a number of modern and contemporary holiday homes for your next break to Scotland."
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